Friday, 8 June 2012

Lovely Jub(i)lee

I spent the Jubilee weekend at my partners house, which meant I didnt cook as much as I usually do. My partner made an amazing dinner on Friday night, ( which he served with rice, instead of noodles. It was really tastey, the lime juice added a perfect zing, and the curry itself was really light. Like a lighter satay, and very tasty!

I did get to make a couple of things. I experimented with Rosti's again for brunch. After finally realising how important it is to squeeze the water out of the potato, I feel Ive nailed it! I grated potato, squeezed it out, added black pepper cheddar cheese, spring onion and seasoning. Then I fried them up in a pan, and serve them with diced and fried black pudding and a poached egg. YUM!

I also tried making a baked cheesecake. I havent really done much baked cheesecake before,and was a bit dubious, as in restaurants the ones Ive had always seem slightly curdled. I found a recipe on BBC Good Food  ( I left out the flour, as we didnt have any.

Instead of raspberries I added some lime zest and cherries, which I cooked in sugar and water. I also poured some of the cherry compote on the top. It was REALLY nice, and definitely not curdled. I'll be having a go at making more baked cheesecakes now, as this has aleviated my fear :).

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